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After occupancy


October 13, 2015: Recovery Efforts
September 21, 2015: The Butte Fire: Before and After
September 20, 2015: Sifting through the Shed
September 19, 2015: Ground Zero
September 18, 2015: In the Company of Heroes
September 17, 2015: After the Fire
September 17, 2015: Re-entry
September 13, 2015: The Butte Fire
November 9, 2013: Stucco: Color coat
October 26, 2013: Stucco: Brown coat
October 19, 2013: Stucco: Scratch coat
October 16, 2013: Stucco: Lath
October 6, 2013: Dirty rotten windows
August 1, 2013: Stove (sort of)
July 21, 2013: The master bathtub
July 14, 2013: Last stair rails
May 26, 2013: First stair rails
May 5, 2013: First banisters
March 24, 2013: Keeping out the vermin
March 18, 2013: The heartbreak of… woodpeckers

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